FYUGP Exam CA(Cumulative assessment)


University examination is conducted by the CALICUT University at the end of each semester. The dates of University examination are announced very early through the university website and other media.There is an examination cell which controls the conduct of university examinations.

In semesters I, III, V and VII, the colleges shall conduct the end-semester examination of all the courses, and they shall also conduct the evaluation of the answer sheets of these courses under the supervision of the University. In semesters II, IV, VI and VIII, the University shall conduct the end- semester examination of all the courses, with the question papers from the question bank prepared by the Boards of Studies in the respective disciplines, and shall also conduct the centralised evaluation for these. However,

Learn about the electoral system, voting procedures, and political parties - Discuss current events, political issues, and social concerns -

* The colleges shall conduct examinations for minor courses of first semester of 2024 admission, by setting the Question Papers and preparing the Timetable.

* For conducting the examinations of Major and General Foundation Courses of first semester of 2024 admission, the University shall prepare the centralized timetable and set the question papers for the examinations as per the existing procedure.

FYUGP Coordinator:Dr: Naseef. M. K

FYUGP Exam  CA(Cumulative assessment): Ramesh. P

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