Department of English

The  Department of English was established at Nasra college of Arts and Science as a general department with the inception of the college in 2012,  with an end to provide value-based quality education in English language and literature to the student community of the surrounding area. The department is equipped with multiple teaching-learning facilities like an Audio-visual hall, digital classrooms etc.. Which help to create a conducive learning atmosphere and ensure a lively learning experience. Besides, the faculty of the department evolve innovative strategies and techniques of teaching catering to the diverse needs of the new generation students thereby enhancing their academic excellence and promoting their holistic development. The department possesses a manpower of 9 faculty members to handle classes in English and other departments. Various programs like remedial coaching, peer group teaching, team teaching, career guidance,  etc..are practiced to empower the academic standards of the students. National, state level,  interdisciplinary, and department level seminars and workshops are regularly conducted to enhance the presentation skills of the students. The Department of English with its 10 years of academic excellence, has contributed hundreds of efficient and talented students who can ensure dynamic changes in our society towards its prosperity and progress
തനിമയുള്ള സംഗീതത്തിനും നൃത്തത്തിനും ഓർമ്മകളാൽ നിറഞ്ഞൊരു അനുഭവത്തിന് നസ്രയിൽ ഉടൻ വേദിയൊരുങ്ങുന്നു കലാരവ് 2k25 Exemplar 2k25 Commerce & Management Association Inauguration 2025 January 10 Friday 2.PM @ College Courtyard Department of English Project orientation At 2PM Seminar Hall 06/12/2024 Fine arts off-stage items competitions are scheduled to be conducted on 18,19&20 November Fine Arts inauguration Program Presented by Student Union 2024-25, Coming Soon.............. Moral Crossroads Shaik Ahmad Kutty Resident Scholar and Senior Lecture Islamic Institution of Toronto, 7moral-crossroads-shaik-th Nov 2024 at 2 pm Seminar Hall VIGILANCE DAY In association with Department of Management Studies 02 November 2024 at 1.30 PM കേരളപിറവിയോട് അനുബന്ധിച്ചു സ്റ്റുഡന്റസ് യൂണിയൻ 2024-25,മലയാളം ഡിപ്പാർട്മെന്റ്,മ്യൂസിക് ക്ലബ്ബ്,WDC സംയുക്തമായി നടത്തുന്ന കലാപരിപാടികൾ FRIDAY 11:45am college courtyardൽ വെച്ചു നടക്കുന്നധായിരിക്കും, എല്ലാവർക്കും സ്വാഗതം..... This is a reminder that it is time to renew your Central Sector Scholarship. you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute Nodal Officer, Mizna (Department of Computer Science) Ph:7736817364
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