Department Of English

 Semester 1


  • To introduce students to the language of literature, i.e., the meaning-making devices, verb phrases, collocations, linkers, sense groups and their functions in the literary text
  • To train the students to identify the linguistic structures of poetic texts: symbols, metaphors, and other tropes and equip them in poetic conventions
  • To recognize diverse points of view within a single text and to understand the rationale of polyphony
  • To prepare students in reading literary/cultural texts closely, beyond the literal.
  • To enable students to recognize the dominant voice/s within the text and its agendas
  • To encourage questioning the text in order to perceive marginalized voices - the voices of the child, Dalit, transgender and female
  • To comprehend how the subaltern perspectives question and counter the privileged voices in the mainstream texts

 Semester 2


  • To introduce the students to the basic elements of poetry, including the stylistic and rhetorical devices employed in poetry, and to various genres of poetry.
  • To facilitate students to attain various perspective in reading poetry like gender, race, caste, ethnicity, religion, region, environment and nation.
  • Familiarize the learners with different forms of poetry written in British
  • To create an awareness among the learners about different forms and themes of poetry produced across the globe in the history of literature.

Semester 3


  • To familiarize the students with different types of prose writing.
  • To introduce to them the basic concepts of style and literary devices in prose.
  • To acquaint them with cultural diversity and divergence in perspectives.
  • To develop their critical thinking abilities and write creatively and critically.


  • To familiarize the students with the key concepts of English grammar and to use them more sensitively in their day-to-day communication needs.
  • To help students towards a better language use through the understanding of the sentence patterns in English.
  • To help the students develop a sense of English grammar, idioms, syntax, semantics and their usage.
  • To develop the logical and analytical skills in the use of language for communication.
  • To familiarize students with contemporary English usage

Semester 4


  • To help students discover the pleasures in reading fiction.
  • To aid students gain an insight into the human condition and the complexities of life
  • To acquaint the students with different types of fiction and analyze them


  • To examine how literary criticism shapes literature and culture across centuries.
  • To recognize and critique the major arguments underlying critical writings.
  • To relate critical perspectives to the history of eastern and western ideas.

Semester 5


  • To introduce the students to the basic elements of drama, including the historical progress of drama in different continents.
  • To foster an ability in the students for appreciating drama as an art form.
  • To familiarize the students with the different genres and masters of drama.
  • To facilitate the learners to critically go beyond the theatrical performances to the texts and approach them critically from various standpoints.


  • To cultivate among the students an understanding of important texts and movements in the history of literary theory.
  • To enable the learners to critically approach literature and culture in the context of theory.
  • To enrich the students through various perspectives of thinking and critique the major arguments presented in theory.
  • To promote a pluralistic perspective of culture and literature in a multicultural society.


  • To lead to a greater understanding of the human mind, of human communicative action and relations through an objective study of language
  • To familiarize students with key concepts of Linguistics and develop awareness of latest trends in Language Study
  • To help students towards a better pronunciation and to improve the general standard of pronunciation in every day conversation and in reading.
  • To help the students develop a sense of English grammar, syntax and usage.
  • To improve writing and speech skills.


  • To provide an overview of the various phases of the evolution of Indian writing in English
  • To introduce students to the thematic concerns, genres and trends of Indian writing in English
  • To expose students to the pluralistic aspects of Indian culture and identity

Semester 6


  • To equip students to steer clear of misconceptions regarding women and to evolve a human perspective about them.
  • To arouse a keen interest in analyzing critically the diversity of women's experiences across the world and to marvel at their creative skills.
  • To perceive gender as a social construct


  • To acquaint the students with the classic literatures and thereby composite cultures of the world
  • To enable students to develop cross cultural perspectives
  • To enhance the literary sensibility of students


  • To appreciate film as an art form and its aesthetics.
  • To understand how film connects with history, politics, technology, psychology and performance.
  • To critically appraise the nature of representation on screen and how class, race, ethnicity and sexuality are represented.
  • To develop analytical skills so that the student can produce informed and thorough close readings of films.


  • To expose the students to diverse cultures and modes of expression.
  • To enable them to explore issues of cultural plurality and hybridity
  • To expose the learners to literary negotiations of colonization and decolonization, identity, inequality, marginalization and so on.


  • To sensitize the students on issues pertaining to the marginalized
  • To educate the students about the evolving patterns of generic and other technical possibilities that the marginalized use to represent their predicament.
  • To communicate to the students how marginality is very often a contextual factor related to the socio cultural reality.
  • To discuss how the question of marginality has evolved by giving space to new and till now avoided categories of outcastes, bodily and culturally and how such people develop their own styles of articulation and subsequent theoretical foundations.


  • To teach students how to appreciate literature through simple and popular literary works.
  • To familiarize the students with the different genres and different varieties of English literature through the selected pieces without formal introduction.
  • To teach students how literature can function as a reflection of life in its varied forms.


തനിമയുള്ള സംഗീതത്തിനും നൃത്തത്തിനും ഓർമ്മകളാൽ നിറഞ്ഞൊരു അനുഭവത്തിന് നസ്രയിൽ ഉടൻ വേദിയൊരുങ്ങുന്നു കലാരവ് 2k25 Exemplar 2k25 Commerce & Management Association Inauguration 2025 January 10 Friday 2.PM @ College Courtyard Department of English Project orientation At 2PM Seminar Hall 06/12/2024 Fine arts off-stage items competitions are scheduled to be conducted on 18,19&20 November Fine Arts inauguration Program Presented by Student Union 2024-25, Coming Soon.............. Moral Crossroads Shaik Ahmad Kutty Resident Scholar and Senior Lecture Islamic Institution of Toronto, 7moral-crossroads-shaik-th Nov 2024 at 2 pm Seminar Hall VIGILANCE DAY In association with Department of Management Studies 02 November 2024 at 1.30 PM കേരളപിറവിയോട് അനുബന്ധിച്ചു സ്റ്റുഡന്റസ് യൂണിയൻ 2024-25,മലയാളം ഡിപ്പാർട്മെന്റ്,മ്യൂസിക് ക്ലബ്ബ്,WDC സംയുക്തമായി നടത്തുന്ന കലാപരിപാടികൾ FRIDAY 11:45am college courtyardൽ വെച്ചു നടക്കുന്നധായിരിക്കും, എല്ലാവർക്കും സ്വാഗതം..... This is a reminder that it is time to renew your Central Sector Scholarship. you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Institute Nodal Officer, Mizna (Department of Computer Science) Ph:7736817364
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